NEW COURSE FOR TEACHERS: Approaching Alternative Augmentative Communication in school contexts

Enrolment is open for the course “The approach to Alternative Augmentative Communication in school contexts” organised by the Benedetta D’Intino Centre Foundation in cooperation with CeDiSma – Centre for Studies and Research on Disability and Marginalisation of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

The proposed training course aims at accompanying to the understanding of the main strategies of AAC (Alternative Augmentative Communication) for the promotion of social participation and school inclusion of people with complex communication needs.

It aims to introduce teachers to an understanding of their involvement and role in an AAC project.

Target group:

Kindergarten teachers, primary and secondary school teachers and high school teachers, support teachers, educators working in the school, personal assistants.

The meetings will take place remotely using the BlackBoard Collaborate e-learning platform.

Deadline for online registration by 19 September 2022 – REGISTER TO THE COURSE


Download the Course Brochure



Summer School Online “LA DIFFERENZIAZIONE DIDATTICA: Strategie di intervento per l’apprendimento di tutti e di ciascun alunno”

Online Summer School “DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: Intervention strategies for the learning of all and each pupil”


“Differentiated Instruction – Intervention strategies for the learning of all and each pupil”.

Facing the many changes that have contributed to defining the current school scenario in our country, together with the great heterogeneity and multiproblematic nature that characterise many classes of all levels, there is an increasing need to rethink the traditional way of setting up teaching and to design training courses that are truly aimed at satisfying not only the needs of all, but above all the needs of each individual.

The reflection on the different ways of learning and, consequently, on the various ways of teaching involves psychology and pedagogy, called upon to provide a multidisciplinary response to the problem.


The Summer School is aimed mainly at primary and secondary school teachers, learning tutors, operators of school homework centres, organisations with educational purposes, psycho-pedagogical centres, rehabilitation centres for the developmental age.


DURATION: The online course will run from 29/08/2022 to 31/08/2022



Sono aperte le iscrizioni al corso “L’approccio alla Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa nei contesti scolastici“ organizzata dalla fondazione Centro Benedetta D’Intino in collaborazione con CeDiSma – Centro Studi e Ricerche sulla Disabilità e la Marginalità dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Il percorso formativo proposto mira ad accompagnare alla comprensione delle principali strategie della CAA (Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa) per la promozione della partecipazione sociale e dell’inclusione scolastica delle persone con complessi bisogni comunicativi.
Si mira ad introdurre gli insegnanti alla comprensione del loro coinvolgimento e del loro ruolo in un progetto di CAA.

Figure educative della Scuola dell’infanzia, insegnanti della Scuola Primaria e della Scuole Medie Inferiori e delle Scuole Medie Superiori, insegnanti di sostegno, educatori che operano nella scuola, assistenti alla persona.

Gli incontri avverranno a distanza grazie all’utilizzo della piattaforma di e-learning BlackBoard Collaborate.

Scadenza per le iscrizioni online entro il 19 settembre 2022 – ISCRIVITI AL CORSO

Scarica la Brochure del corso

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