On 12 November 2022 at 9.30 a.m. at the Auditorium of Agrate you are invited to the free training event organised by the Cascina San Vincenzo Association in collaboration with the team of the Study… Continua
Vogliamo diffondere una cultura sulla disabilità e sulla marginalità, trasmettendo in occasione di convegni, conferenze, eventi, Summer School, tutto il nostro sapere a quante più persone possibili. Tra queste ci sei anche tu!
On 12 November 2022 at 9.30 a.m. at the Auditorium of Agrate you are invited to the free training event organised by the Cascina San Vincenzo Association in collaboration with the team of the Study… Continua
13 OCTOBER 2022: THE APPROACH OF ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION (AAC) FOR PEOPLE WITH ‘COMMUNICATION VULNERABILITY’ – AAC and ALS 9:00-13:00/14:00-18:00 Aula Pio XI – Catholic University, Largo Gemelli, 1 – Milan CMEs have been requested for… Continua
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is implementing a training project, financed by the Lombardy Region, entitled “THE COMMUNICATION ASSISTANT FOR VISUAL AND HEARING DISABILITIES. A professionalism at the service of teaching’. The Communication Assistant… Continua
In recent years, Italian schools and extracurricular educational agencies have been able to include many pupils with disabilities. The experiences since the 1970s have been decisive and have enabled many pupils with disabilities to achieve… Continua